

What I Wore: Fashion Show Judge

Happy Hump Day!!
We are half way through the week...YAY!
I don't know if it is because my birthday is on Monday or that my work/fitness/personal life is insane but this week is flying by. I wanted to write a fabulous post about the Fashion Show I judged (next week...hopefully), I wanted to try and respond to some blog comments (I have 1000+ emails that need attention) and I wanted to visit some of you (isn't happening anytime soon. I am SO SORRY!!) but I only have one goal in mind (my 30x30) and that takes precedence. Don't hate me...I still love you all!!
P.S. THANK You for those that still comment even though I have not been as generous. It means a lot!!

SO this outfit...
I saw this dress last month on Target Style's Facebook and knew I HAD to have it even though the comments on it were less than pleasant. I am DIGGING the hi/lo (aka MULLET) look and my mint obsession is getting out of control. So this dress was right up my alley. Paired with a black skinny belt and my favorite (right now) wedges I knew this look was perfect for judging my local High School's fashion show. A little secret...I HAD to wear my hair in the bun because I had work out hair. Ewwww....gross, I know! But I only had time for a rinse. Thank the Lord for dry shampoo ;) 

Fashion Show Judge

What I Wore:

Dress: Xhiliration
Belt: H&M
Earrings: Kendra Scott (similar, similar, similar)
Ring: Kendra Scott 'Tela' (similar color)
Sunnies: Gucci

Linking up to The Pleated Poppy


  1. You look AMAZING! I really love that dress. Definitely a great Target find because it looks perfect on you, dear!

  2. What a beautiful dress! Looks amazing on you!

  3. You look great! YOU rawked that mullet dress! And dirty hair styles best - LOVE the bun!

  4. I am really loving this dress! It looks so good on you. Can't wait to read about your fashion show judging.

  5. Hi I am your newest follower jumped here from Pleated Poppy you are fabulous I want to be like you giggle what great style can't wait to follow along your blog and I am gonna put your blog on my roll at



  7. so super cute! i love the shoes w the dress, it really makes it pop and the bun look good too!

  8. The dress is really cute, love the print and colors! I am thinking of getting one for myself for mothers day;) now I just need those shoes!

  9. that dress is so cute on you. I hope you'll stop by and add this and any other posts you're proud of to my Wednesday What We Wore, Read, and Made Link party



  10. omg, my hair is always disgusting weekday nights bc i work out after work and never wash it until the morning (though I always do a body shower, always). So no, I do not think you are disgusting, I think it's normal.

    Love the dress- Target strikes again!! How fun to judge a fashion show!

    Don' worry about being busy, keep doin' the damn thang!

  11. Girl, you are looking fabulous (as usual!) Love this dress on you, those shoes are adorable!


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