

Sunday Sharing {5}

Thanksgiving is on Thursday and the CA weather is actually cooperating this year. It has been rainy and cold. Which I enjoy during the holidays (just not before). I have spent my weekend bundled up in cozy sweaters, scarves and beanies. And sleeping! Lots of sleeping! Hope you had an enjoyable weekend!

Holy bananas! Look at Kelly Osbourne on the cover of Shape magazine. She looks incredible! She has lost 50 pounds and has motivated me to keep working on my fitness {and eating habits :/}

Yesterday the Gap store was 40% off. Of Everything. I bought 6 things for $120 bucks. STEAL of a deal friends! Steal!

Lanvin for H&M came out in stores yesterday. I didn't wake up in time to get down there before EVERYTHING was sold out. I heard it was a frenzy! I wish I could have gotten a piece of the collection. Did any of you???

Have you seen the Jessica Simpson Collection dresses? They are darling. And I want like FIVE dresses from the website. Check them out HERE.

If you create a "wish list" at Nordstrom.com you can win $2,000. You should definitely check it out.

AND if you have had your eye on a Designer Handbag, many of them will be going on SALE, 40% OFF, on FRIDAY 11/26. Get in and check them out!

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