

Hi, Hey, Hello there!

This week is flying by!
As it always does on vacation!

I had every intention of posting daily while on vacation.
I mean, I am in a cabin (a very very large cabin btw) in a snow storm.
But I am learning very quickly that time is not your own when kids are involved. And vacay is now all about the babies (my sister's, not mine). So I have spent a lot of time snuggling and rocking both babes to sleep, chasing my nephew up and down a three story house (told you it was big) and carrying the littlest one in the Ergo for hours. I love those little ones with all my being but man are they exhausting! My hat is off to all of you mama's!

 It's snowing. A TON. Don't I look THRILLED??? LOL!

  So don't mind me while I enjoy my wine and peppermint mochas (homemade, of course) by the fire while reading and watching every Christmas special. I will hopefully get back to posting all about myself (HA!) really soon! 

Hope you are all enjoying the week!
Only FIVE days until Christmas.

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