

The Big 3-0!!

I. Am. Thirty. Years. Old (young?)

I have so much that I want to say yet I am not quite sure how to word it. I have been chock full of emotions all weekend when it finally hit me that the big day was coming. 

My twenties were quite the ride. I learned so much about myself. I learned what I want, what I do not want, what I will settle for, what my deal breakers are and I know who I am. I will look back on my twenties with no regrets, full of knowledge and with complete happiness.

I had an incredible last day of my twenties. Since my mother was in Arizona with my sister I had a lot of time to spoil myself. I slept in, did a little {window} shopping, got a mani/pedi, laid out with a book by the pool, had dinner with my best friend, her family and little girls, had cocktails by the fire pit and snuck a work out in. Pretty much a perfect day!

Neon and Neutral Nails 
On my nails: Essie 'Sand Tropez' 
On my toes: Sinful Colors 'Neon Melon'
*** This is the first manicure in over a year and my last pedicure was at least 7 months ago. I always do them myself and now I remember why. I honestly think I do a better job. BUT I don't do the cuticle thing so it is nice to have those maintained every now and then***
 I swear I am NOT that red in real life.
And Karen Kingsbury books are incredible.
 My outfit and hair for the day
Shorts are Mossimo and my sandals are Gap.
Phone Case: Kate Spade
 Cocktails and Fire pit...does it get any better???
 With my BFF

I am honestly SUPER excited for my Thirties. I truly feel like the Thirties are for LOVING. Loving myself, first and foremost. Hopefully finding the kind of love with someone that leads to marriage. The unconditional love of having a child. And lastly just loving life whether all of that happens or if none of that happens. One thing I know is that I am enough. I am confident in who I am, where I am going and with the decisions I have made. I am not in control anymore and have given the wheel to the Lord. I am trusting that he knows the desires of my heart and that his plan is better than mine could ever be!

If you have been reading for the last few months you may be wondering if I achieved my weight goal. I wanted to lose 30 pounds by my 30th birthday. I have spent the last 19 weeks working out 5x a week, the last four weeks working out 2x a day, three times a week. I have changed my diet and changed my life. Unfortunately I am a few pounds shy of my goal. I am trying not to dwell on it (super hard for me) and not be down on myself because I have accomplished so much. I am proud of the changes, I have created new healthy habits and I am starting my Thirties on a path to a trim, healthy and strong body. That means the world to me!

 All I want is to blow out my candles from a Sprinkles Salty Caramel Cupcake.
It is the one thing in life that I cannot resist. It is spectacular tasting!
And when I get married...I will be having these instead of a cake.

So with all of that said I would like to give a big 'CHEERS' to you all!
Thank you for being a part of my journey, for loving and supporting me, and for INSPIRING me!

I hope that all of my readers that are mother's had an incredible day and were spoiled and loved on!!


  1. looks like you had a wonderful day babe! happy birthday :)


    Fashion Fractions

  2. happppppppppy bday love!!!!!!! <3 hope it is fabulous~

  3. Happy Happy Birthday! Definitely 30 years YOUNG!! :) I am so glad to hear you're going into your thirties in a positive mind frame and I know you will achieve all of the wonderful things you want. I hope you have a great day!

  4. Congrats on your 30th! Happy Happy day girl! Love the nails too;)

  5. Happy Birthday Lady! I really hope you have a fabulous day today. Your weekend looks fabulous and I love your hair that way. Don't dwell on the few pounds. You have changed your lifestyle and those pounds will come off. Happy Birthday again!!

  6. amazing post. happy birthday!! thirties are the best, no joke. welcome to the club ;)

  7. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BEAUTIFUL MANDY! Your 30s will be the best, I was absolutely terrified of turning 30, but it's been the best decade so far :)
    I'm so proud of you and don't dwell too much of not reaching your goal. Instead focus on how FANTASTIC you look and celebrate what an achievement you've done!
    LOVE your mani, I'm all about the neon/neutral look and I love your take on it :)
    Don't EVER change; what I love most about you is your positive attitude and your confidence. I love ya girl!!
    Smart n Snazzy

  8. happy, happy, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! i just want to say how proud i am of you! it feels strange to be proud of someone who ive only met once - but your journey the past few months has been so inspiring for me to read. wishing you the best day, year, and decade ever - you deserve it!!!

  9. You have *the* best birthday week ever! (Mine is Wed!) Happy, happy, happy birthday!!!!

  10. Happy Birthday Mandy!
    You are looking SO good and I am proud of you! What a transformation! Don't let it get you down that you didn't meet that goal, instead, think on the goals you HAVE met!

    Enjoy each moment!!

  11. Happy Birthday! Spoil yourself, you deserve it ;)

  12. happy birthday gorgeous!! i love your nails, so cute! don't get down on yourself, you look fantastic and i don't think you're giving yourself enough credit, you've done amazing!

  13. happy, happy, happy birthday! you sound like you are in a WONDERFUL place in your life, honestly. And I know its' easier said than done but geez, do not fret about being a bit shy in your goal. it was the strive to get there that has you where you are now! I can definitely tell just from pictures that you've lost a lot of weight. But more importantly- it's important to know how to balance the go-go-go of adult life with the need for wellness. that will be the gift that you keep on giving yourself. and two times a day workouts? wow- hat's off to you.

    i hope you had a wonderful day! i'm glad you had such a relaxing Sunday to say goodbye to your twenties. I'm excited to see what the world holds for you this year and I'm excited that I get to hear about it!

  14. I hope you had an absolutely fabulous birthday, my dear! And here's to an amazing time in your 30s!
    LOVING your neon and neutral nails! :)

  15. yeah! Good for you sweet girl! It is awesome! happy birthday month in May!


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