

What I Wore: Schleppy McSchlepperson

We all have those days...
You know the days where you think you look pretty good, then you see pics and think otherwise. I loved the idea of this outfit. But I don't think it translated well. I am not loving the black over sized sweater and the whole outfit looks sloppy. You win some, you lose some. I just wish I had other pics for a post so that you wouldn't have to see the lackluster outfit. Oh well. This is my life. :)

I will say that I am in LOVE with these pants. 
I have wanted a more neon coral pair and found these at Target when buying some dresses for my weekend. They are the perfect coral and are so comfy. 
For 23 bucks, I couldn't pass them up. I am also slightly obsessed with these Kate Spade earrings. The coral has been in heavy rotation. I ended up picking up the pink pair as well. They kind of go with everything.

Schleppy McSchlepperson

What I Wore:

Sweater: Gap Grandpa Cardi, old (VERY similar)
Necklace: Kendra Scott 'Ziggy'


  1. I love the color of these pants! I am glad you posted this look even if you didn't like it. It shows that you are real!! Looking good girl!

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  3. wait... i dont think you look schleppy at all. you look very LA casual which is a real thing over here :) i love the leopard shoes!

  4. i like the black color paired with the outfit, but a blazer or a shorter "standard" cardi would have looked better. i hate that though, my outfits have done the same thing before. or when it's super cute in person, but not on camera?? ugh.

  5. You look FABULOUS! I love the color of your jeans. It's perfect for spring/summer.
    And those shoes? AMAZING!

  6. Totally don't think you look sloppy at all!! LOVE the coral with the leopard print shoes.


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