

Meeting the Kardashians

In honor of...
Kourtney and Khloe Take Miami
Season Two starting tonight.
{Jacy(Nordy's buyer), Kourtney, Kim, Khloe, Katie(Regional Mgr) and me(Regional Mgr)}

In April I was able to support one of my closest friends by helping her run the Kardashian event for their Virgins, Saints and Angels Jewelry line at Nordstrom Fashion Island. The girls agreed to do a personal appearance for the line since Nordstrom and their stores Dash are the only stores to be carrying the line.

The girls came and signed autographs for about two hours before the Fire Marshall was called to close down the event because of how many people were there. It was INSANE. People are bizarre and say the weirdest things to celebs. After working the event, meeting the girls and helping to get them out of the store I know that I could NOT live a celebrity lifestyle. They would have been mobbed without security.

The girls are teeny tiny, gorgeous and super nice.
Especially Khloe.

I LOVE the girls style and they often end up in many of my posts.
It was great to meet people that I admire and not be disappointed.

You can read about the event on their blogs
Here, here and here!

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